Parents and Carers
Being a parent or carer can be hard work. Most families face challenges in bringing up their children at some point, whether they are babies or teenagers.
If you’re worried about a child, this section will enable you to get more information and help.
Our safeguarding board is made up of senior staff from organisations who work across the county to provide services to children, young people and their families.
You can view a list of member organisations and find out more about the work of the board by reading their annual report in the about us section of the ‘Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board‘.
Missing children
The reasons why children and young people runaway or go missing are varied. Whatever the reason they’re particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.
Harmful sexual behaviour in young children
Very few people realise that some children may display harmful sexual behaviour and can sometimes present a risk to other children.
Child abuse
If you suspect a child is being abused, even if you are not sure, it is vital you tell someone.
Children at risk of exploitation
Child sexual exploitation can happen at any time and your child may not even realise it is happening to them.
Domestic abuse
Are you or have you suffered physical, emotional or sexual abuse in your relationship?
Drug and alcohol abuse
There are serious risks involved in both drug and alcohol use which can affect both physical and mental health.
Mental health
For any parent or carer, the thought that their child could have a mental health problem is worrying.
Online safety
Your child probably spends loads of time online – chatting to friends, sharing information, watching videos or playing games.
Getting help
If you believe that a child or young person is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the police on 999 immediately.
Alternatively if you want advice from the police and the child is not in immediate need of protection, you can call them on 101 or 0845 123 33 33
Children’s Social Care and the First Contact Team
You may want to discuss your concerns with a Social Care worker. Our First Contact team deals with all concerns about Children and Young People across the city.
Members of the team will help you to talk about the concerns you may have for a child and decide what actions may be required to make a child safe.
You can contact us during normal working days between 9am and 5pm on
01332 641172.
At all other times concerns can be discussed with Careline who can be contacted on:
- 01332 786968.
- Postal address: Ashtree House, 218 Osmaston Road, Derby, DE23 8JX
The NSPCC and its ChildLine helpline service provide advice for both adults and children. If you are worried about a child contact the NSPCC trained counsellors for 24 hours per day, 7 days per week help, advice and support tel: 0800 1111.