Help shape the future of our NHS

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (or ICB) is a statutory NHS organisation which is responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population and join up health and care services, improve people’s health and wellbeing, and tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access.

The NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB is hosting a series of face-to-face and online workshops for the public throughout January 25 and February 25 and are reaching out to let you know about an opportunity for people to help shape the future of our NHS.

These events are a chance for local people to share their experiences, ideas, and hopes for how the NHS will work in the future. This follows the government’s launch of the ‘NHS 10-year-plan’ which sets out the direction of the NHS. It is concentrating on 3 key shifts:

  • Hospital to community
  • Analogue to digital
  • Sickness to prevention

The ICB want to make sure they are capturing the views of local communities such as Mickleover to help shape the national and local plan.

Places are limited, so they’d love to ensure as many people as possible sign up and share their thoughts and ideas.

The Workshop will be focused on the 3 key shifts stated above. Here is what people can expect to hear at the events:

  • They know that many of our communities will have given their feedback on NHS services before, so will go through some of the key insights and feedback already given
  • Hear what is happening on a local level
  • Take part in engagement activities
  • Understand what will happen next with your feedback and how to keep updated

Here are the dates and locations for the events:

For more information, you can visit the ICB website which includes a link for people to sign up to the events: NHS 10 Year Plan

If you would like any further information please contact them on

Thank you for your support.